Friday 25 April 2014


Hasni H. (n.d) The Legend of Puteri Gunung Ledang (Princess of Ledang Mountain). Retrived on April 26 2014 from

Tuesday 15 April 2014


From the story 'Puteri Gunung Ledang', it can be said that the Sultan was either too proud or too blind to realize that all the conditions from the Princess were the reasons of turning down his proposal back. Due to the Sultan's actions, it shows that the Sultan is a selfish kind of person.

As for behind the story, I can see the existing of the great love between Puteri Gunung Ledang and her husband as the princess remain loyal with her husband even though her husband died.
My last hope is that people can learn the lesson from this legend of Puteri Gunung Ledang and apply it in daily life.

Hope the sharing of this legend story will help the readers to enhance the knowledge about 'Sejarah Melayu' that happened in our country. Some people said that it was a myth and some people said that it was a legend that happened in a long time ago. Whether the story is true or not that's remain untold.

The End.

Seven Marriage Gift

Continue with the conditions that Puteri Gunung Ledang had set to the Sultan if he really wants to marry her. The Princess said that she will be accepted the proposal if the Sultan can prepare her seven special marriage gift

All the conditions are:
  1. A golden bridge connecting Mount Ledang to the Malacca Sultan's Place.
  2. A silver bridge for her to walk back to Mound Ledang .
  3. Seven trays of mosquitoes' heart.
  4. Seven trays of germs' heart.
  5. Seven jars of virgin's tear as her bathing water.
  6. Seven bowls of young betel nut juice.
  7. One bowl of His Majesty's son, Raja Ahmad's blood.
All the conditions were really weird as the princess actually do such extraordinary request is to reject Sultan's proposal as the Princess is still loyal to her husband. After Tun Mamat heard the entire request, then he walked down to returned back to the palace. As soon as they reached the palace, Tun Mamat immediately told the seven conditions from the Princess to His Majesty. He will never expect that the Majesty will fulfill all the conditions as those wishes are impossible to be granted.

It was believed that Sultan of Malacca able to fulfils all the sixth conditions but however, in order to make his dream comes true, he has ruined his own kingdom. This is because the Sultan had forced the citizen to work hard as he wants to complete the bridge and became cruel to his own kingdom.

In order to fulfill the last condition, Sultan of Malacca found a big problem for himself. He did not dare to kill his own son to get a bowl of blood. He tried for a few times to kill his son. When he was confident enough to sacrifice his prince, Puteri Gunung Ledang suddenly appeared before him.

The Princess manages to stop His Majesty for committing the sin and she also condemn him from his action, regarding to all his effort in order to prepare the marriage gift. For the Princess, His Majesty became selfish and cruel towards his citizen as he had forced harshly to help him to fulfill his desires to get married with Princess. Regarding to his action, Sultan Mansur Syah felt regretted and shamed with himself.

Monday 14 April 2014

Puteri's Gunung Ledang Proposal

Illustration of Sultan Mansur Shah

To propose Puteri Gunung Ledang, Sultan immediately dispatched his finest warrior, the elderly Laksamana Hang Tuah together with Sang Setia and also Tun Mamat as the lead to Gunung Ledang to ask for the hand of The Princess for a marriage, command Sultan Mansur Shah. Their journey is not easy as we thought. The journey to go to the peak of the mountain was so long and full of obstacle. They face a lot of difficulties to reach the mountain top. The journey becomes worst when they were struck by a heavy rain and could climb no further. Sang Setia was unable to continue the journey while Laksamana Hang tuah and Tun Mamat continue their climbing but unfortunately Hang Tuah could not continue the journey because of his aged. Tun Mamat bade Hang Tuah and the others to stay, while he and other men traveled on. He was the only one standing that kept on climbing with all the spirit and effort that he put on himself and managed to reach the peak of Mount Ledang.

At the mountain top, surprisingly he discovered a beautiful garden full of flowers with birds chirping and flying around it. The garden gives a peaceful feeling towards him and as all his tiredness in his journey was buried. While he engrossed with the amazing garden that he just found, suddenly an old woman appeared in front of him and ask why they are there. 

"Who are you? Where are you come from?" said the old lady.

Tun Mamat gently replied and told everything to the old lady. He conveyed his Majesty marriage proposal for Puteri Gunung Ledang and ask her who is she actually.

"May I know who you are?" asked Tun Mamat.

" Oh, I am Nenek Kebayan, the guardian of Puteri Gunung Ledang." answered Nenek Kebayan.

After explaining everything, she suddenly disappeared and reappeared in a while. She met with Tun Mamat and said that the proposal will be accepted if His Majesty can prepare her seven marriage gift. All of that is the condition that Sultan should fulfill if he wants to marry with the Princess.

The history began....

The original name of Puteri Gunung Ledang is 'Putri Mas Nyawa' and was born in Bintoro Demak (1845). According to the legend, the princess eventually married one Nakhoda Ragam. After their wedding, they went for honeymoons to Pulau Besar at the straits of Malacca. 

One day, when the princess was sewing under a coconut tree at the seaside, Ragam's came from behind to shock and tease her. But suddenly in an uncontrollable reaction, she accidentally stabbed her husband in the breast with a needle that she was handling and surprisingly he died because of the stab of the sewing pin. Therefore, the princess returned to the Mount Ophir. She was so sad and swears that she would never marry with other men.

At the same time,Sultan of Malacca had also just lost his wife. Sultan was so sad and he declared to his minister that he desired to marry with someone who shall surpass the wife of any prince in the world. Then, his minister had presented all sorts of beautiful women and young girls to the Sultan's but none of them had won his Majesty's heart.

Few days later, Bendahara told the story about 'Puteri Gunung Ledang' to his Majesty. When the Sultan heard about the beauty and gracefulness of the Princess, everything was changed. Sultan's was very eager and excited to meet The Princess and wanted to propose the princess to be his wife.

The Legend of Gunung Ledang

Gunung Ledang also known as Mount Ophir which is located in Johor state that close to the Malacca and Johor border. Gunung Ledang is the highest mountain in southern Peninsular Malaysia. When we talk about Gunung Ledang, of course we know the one of the most popular folklore that happened a long time ago, the 'Fairy Princess of Mount Ophir' or known as 'Puteri Gunung Ledang' in Malay that  is said to been the home of the legendary princess.

According to Malay belief in the old days, the princess is the most stunning beautiful and she was a magical princess who was able to transform herself into 100 looks. Further, she was also endowed with a sinuous movement that highlight every curve of her body. Her beautification makes all the men naturally attracted to her. The history begin when Sultan Mansur, the Sultan of Malacca had heard of her beauty and wanted to marry her.