Tuesday 15 April 2014

Seven Marriage Gift

Continue with the conditions that Puteri Gunung Ledang had set to the Sultan if he really wants to marry her. The Princess said that she will be accepted the proposal if the Sultan can prepare her seven special marriage gift

All the conditions are:
  1. A golden bridge connecting Mount Ledang to the Malacca Sultan's Place.
  2. A silver bridge for her to walk back to Mound Ledang .
  3. Seven trays of mosquitoes' heart.
  4. Seven trays of germs' heart.
  5. Seven jars of virgin's tear as her bathing water.
  6. Seven bowls of young betel nut juice.
  7. One bowl of His Majesty's son, Raja Ahmad's blood.
All the conditions were really weird as the princess actually do such extraordinary request is to reject Sultan's proposal as the Princess is still loyal to her husband. After Tun Mamat heard the entire request, then he walked down to returned back to the palace. As soon as they reached the palace, Tun Mamat immediately told the seven conditions from the Princess to His Majesty. He will never expect that the Majesty will fulfill all the conditions as those wishes are impossible to be granted.

It was believed that Sultan of Malacca able to fulfils all the sixth conditions but however, in order to make his dream comes true, he has ruined his own kingdom. This is because the Sultan had forced the citizen to work hard as he wants to complete the bridge and became cruel to his own kingdom.

In order to fulfill the last condition, Sultan of Malacca found a big problem for himself. He did not dare to kill his own son to get a bowl of blood. He tried for a few times to kill his son. When he was confident enough to sacrifice his prince, Puteri Gunung Ledang suddenly appeared before him.

The Princess manages to stop His Majesty for committing the sin and she also condemn him from his action, regarding to all his effort in order to prepare the marriage gift. For the Princess, His Majesty became selfish and cruel towards his citizen as he had forced harshly to help him to fulfill his desires to get married with Princess. Regarding to his action, Sultan Mansur Syah felt regretted and shamed with himself.

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