Monday 14 April 2014

Puteri's Gunung Ledang Proposal

Illustration of Sultan Mansur Shah

To propose Puteri Gunung Ledang, Sultan immediately dispatched his finest warrior, the elderly Laksamana Hang Tuah together with Sang Setia and also Tun Mamat as the lead to Gunung Ledang to ask for the hand of The Princess for a marriage, command Sultan Mansur Shah. Their journey is not easy as we thought. The journey to go to the peak of the mountain was so long and full of obstacle. They face a lot of difficulties to reach the mountain top. The journey becomes worst when they were struck by a heavy rain and could climb no further. Sang Setia was unable to continue the journey while Laksamana Hang tuah and Tun Mamat continue their climbing but unfortunately Hang Tuah could not continue the journey because of his aged. Tun Mamat bade Hang Tuah and the others to stay, while he and other men traveled on. He was the only one standing that kept on climbing with all the spirit and effort that he put on himself and managed to reach the peak of Mount Ledang.

At the mountain top, surprisingly he discovered a beautiful garden full of flowers with birds chirping and flying around it. The garden gives a peaceful feeling towards him and as all his tiredness in his journey was buried. While he engrossed with the amazing garden that he just found, suddenly an old woman appeared in front of him and ask why they are there. 

"Who are you? Where are you come from?" said the old lady.

Tun Mamat gently replied and told everything to the old lady. He conveyed his Majesty marriage proposal for Puteri Gunung Ledang and ask her who is she actually.

"May I know who you are?" asked Tun Mamat.

" Oh, I am Nenek Kebayan, the guardian of Puteri Gunung Ledang." answered Nenek Kebayan.

After explaining everything, she suddenly disappeared and reappeared in a while. She met with Tun Mamat and said that the proposal will be accepted if His Majesty can prepare her seven marriage gift. All of that is the condition that Sultan should fulfill if he wants to marry with the Princess.

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