Monday 14 April 2014

The history began....

The original name of Puteri Gunung Ledang is 'Putri Mas Nyawa' and was born in Bintoro Demak (1845). According to the legend, the princess eventually married one Nakhoda Ragam. After their wedding, they went for honeymoons to Pulau Besar at the straits of Malacca. 

One day, when the princess was sewing under a coconut tree at the seaside, Ragam's came from behind to shock and tease her. But suddenly in an uncontrollable reaction, she accidentally stabbed her husband in the breast with a needle that she was handling and surprisingly he died because of the stab of the sewing pin. Therefore, the princess returned to the Mount Ophir. She was so sad and swears that she would never marry with other men.

At the same time,Sultan of Malacca had also just lost his wife. Sultan was so sad and he declared to his minister that he desired to marry with someone who shall surpass the wife of any prince in the world. Then, his minister had presented all sorts of beautiful women and young girls to the Sultan's but none of them had won his Majesty's heart.

Few days later, Bendahara told the story about 'Puteri Gunung Ledang' to his Majesty. When the Sultan heard about the beauty and gracefulness of the Princess, everything was changed. Sultan's was very eager and excited to meet The Princess and wanted to propose the princess to be his wife.

1 comment:

  1. Sultan Mahmud Shah who wanted to propose Puteri Gunung Ledang died in 1528. How come Puteri Gunung Ledang born in 1845?
